
Our Music

Cavendish Archive

More about this catalog

The Cavendish Archive is home to fifty years of expertly crafted music from the pre-digital era, a celebration of rarely heard vintage music from a by gone age that has stood the test time and deserves to be heard in its original form.

Originally left behind when Boosey & Hawkes switched to CDs in 1987, fifty years worth of tapes and vinyl – orchestral themes, music hall songs, TV scores, Jazz and funk cues – were destined to languish in a London vault until the early 2000s when Cavendish Music set about digitizing the collection and painstakingly remastering in-house. A series of special releases and collaborative remix projects followed before the Cavendish Archive label was launched in January 2018 with the aim of housing and preserving this compendium of forgotten gems in its entirety.

Highlights include:

Album artwork pays homage to the original Boosey & Hawkes Production Music LP sleeves, a smart visual cue that nods to our heritage and is recognised by record collecting aficionados as part of library music history. Colour coded covers refer to the musical style;

Green – 1930s to 1950s orchestral themes and light music

Orange – 1960s & 70s TV Soundtracks, Jazz and kitsch

Red – Military and Processional

Blue – Vocal recordings